The federal government is expected to introduce legislation in coming weeks to reduce or eliminate the presence of “harmful” content on social media and other digital platforms. This initiative is consistent with the government’s top legislative priorities, as listed in the Prime Minister’s January 15 mandate letter to cabinet.
CLF at the Supreme Court of Canada re: Aga
CLF to appear before Supreme Court in religious autonomy case
Federal government re-introduces bill to expand medical assistance in dying (MAiD) in Canada
COVID-19, the church, and avoiding bad precedents
Supreme Court will hear appeal in church autonomy case
A Christian’s Response to Racism and Injustice
"In recent weeks, injustice and racism has risen to the forefront of national and international conversations, exposing feelings of outrage, heartbreak, and denial. Many are hurting, confused, and fearful. Our world is broken and yearning for love and unity. Are we paying attention?" Read more in this guest blog from Sarah Gagnon and CLF member Ashley Maciuk.
Letter to the Premier of Ontario - COVID-19 Support
SCC declines to hear appeal to stay Quebec’s Bill 21
Be Faithful in the Little Things
The Charter, freedom and a drugstore
Coalition urges Supreme Court to clarify law re: church autonomy
Religious inclusion in legal profession
This article about religious equality in Canada was originally published by The Lawyer’s Daily (, part of LexisNexis Canada Inc.